4:34 PM Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sorry I've not been updating for long, been real busy!
Was sitting on the toilet when I got the inspiration to blog LOL.
Common tests are half over, with history and math left. But those two are like the ones I'm most worried about!
Geog was first, it was okay, considering that I only spent around 2 hours studying HAHAHA.
Science was not bad cos I started science tuition already but I didn't finish lit! ): ):
And so, History's on tuesday and I've barely started la. Not gonna hide that.
Good luck to myself! You can do it Nikki! (:
I have so so so many plans for after the tests man!
First I really have to clean my room. Becoming atrocious liao ahaha. Speaking of which I can't find my music file and there's like music tmr! :/
And I really wanna set aside a day to snuggle up with my mum and watch tv. (:
And I need more time online! So many updates but no time to read!
Like twitter, facebook, blogger and stuff.
Ohgosh. My fourteenth's coming! In exactly 13 days LOL. Ahhh I'm getting old!
I still remember when I was young (around 9 or 10) and I used to read lots and lots of books and it seemed such a big deal to turn fourteen!
And obviously I've been waitinggg.~
So its like kinda surreal that its so fast. Like, what happened to my childhood?!
But maybe its better cos when you're older you experience more things right. (:
So I always tell people younger than me to appreciate life while you can! Cos its always gonna get tougher as you advance. Definitely.
Speaking of memories, its suprising how many I can store in my head!
Like I still feel the same emotions when I think back, ranging from happy, sad, angry to DAMN PAISEH.
LOL yes I've embarrassed myself countless times.
And my dad's budget for my present this year is $200!
Hehe happily thinking of what to buy. Most probably a watch cos my current one is ancient.
And splurge on a nice meal! (:
Urge to buy stuff. Ya la I know I sound spoilt.
But I'm not the same everytime, everyday.
Even if I am, this is me! Take it or leave it dude.
Ahhh you stupid argumentative essay.
Lots of irrelevant homework la I need to study you know!
Okay sudden ending here bye!
10:22 PM Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I totally got an A1 for Chinese! :D
Damn big improvement from last term la. I failed you know.
And the teacher said in front of the whole class that I improved the most!
I sacrificed the Star Awards the night before the test just to study you know. HAHA so guai right.
And when I called my mum to tell her during recess she said she wanted to cry! Cos very proud of me.
Ok so now I'm gonna study super hard and make my mum proud. (: