8:02 PM Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Keep in mind that people born with Gemini horoscope is the sign of the twin... There is a part of them that needs love and security, and then there's the stronger part of them that needs stimulation and novelty. To remain in a relationship with a Gemini you must be able to satisfy their emotional, mental and sexual needs. People with Gemini horoscope love to laugh, travel, spend money, and are eager for new experiences.
Since people born under the Gemini sign know a little about many things and almost everything interests them, you can make a great impression by discussing a topic in depth. Geminis appreciate honesty and sincerity in a person, so make sure you speak your mind, even if you don't share the same point of view.
Additionally, Geminis don't always stick to one topic of interest, since variety is something they enjoy and find intriguing. These very social and energetic people tend to have a sharp tongue. They are quick to criticize and tend to use words as weapons, so if you're an emotional person that takes things to heart, you may want to avoid this relationship.
When in love, people born under the Gemini horoscope tend to be quite possessive and inclined to be jealous. Never give them reason to suspect that you're not faithful to them, they don't like to be deceived, and won't put up with it. Once a Gemini has found someone that they can trust and that fills all their needs, they will be an exciting and devoted partner.
8:53 PM Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm currently feeling really
whatever. As in,
whatever la, I don't feel like studying/doing homework right now.
Anw, did banyueji and ketangzuoye earlier.
No band right, so it isn't kinda an accomplishment. At all.
There's about an hour left and according to the list I wrote yesterday, I'm supposed to file Lit, Math, do zuowen and read my chinese newspapers.
About two hours online alr. Abit stoned now.
Just found some blogs that I've been looking for for quite awhile. 'cos I lost the urls la stupid right.
Anw according to my dad's contract, I can change phone alr. But my mum can't decide properly cos I've been annoying her about the Sony Vivaz which costs like $318 wtf.
Yes and I know my blog posts recently have been all about my random current thoughts.
Whatever la. Sian ttm.
2:03 PM Sunday, April 18, 2010
I love you Shujing Hojung Phylliz and Jaslyn! ♥
Very very happy cos after this will have less-er band LOL.
But also very very sad cos Shujing and Hojung are leaving! ):
Ok I'm not making any sense here.
Oh and thanks Shujing for the card! Very touching la. (:
Wheeee. Omgosh I love the videos that were posted on facebook! Sound quality very good hahaha.
Did I mention I haven't even started on my homework? Ohwell except for reading the Private Peaceful book.
Buying phone later through internet later cos mum wants me to study WTF FML.
Okay bye now! (:
8:23 PM Wednesday, April 14, 2010
'cos I can't do it myself.
Hi people!
I didn't come online ytd, kinda proud of myself! But then again, I spammed with updates. Twitter, facebook, blogger, msn, what may have you.
And I decided to reward myself. So I'm here. Haha anw today was a short day, so more time (:
I love today! ♥
No, not only the fire drill part lol.
I think TOP was quite fun, although it sounds sian. Thanks Zhenhui for the letter, I'm so touched I wanna frame it up! (:
LOL and its nice la. (:
Walked to the bus stop with Shujing and bused home with Wanxin. Ain't I lucky. LOL.
Yes and sectionals was fun! Everything but the part about my shitty playing. I seriously wonder where got people design T-shirt so troublesome one! :D
I mean like, we can't agree on anything. (:
Tmr there's rehearsal for band night, and Saturday there's like 8hours of band omg.
You know when the tutor asked what we usually do once a big event is over, I really wanted to say "we slack."
But oh, I'm nice.
Oh yeah and I remember how we stand in like almost-circle like a conference I'm tempted to burst out laughing randomly.
On a totally unrelated side note, I miss Rachel. ):
Anyway, the busy period's almost over! Amen for that haha.
See you later lovelies. (:
8:45 PM Friday, April 9, 2010
I seriously regretted going for band yesterday. It made me so tired, and sick-er and whatnot.
My nose bled twice today, probably due to exhaustion.
I was just happily washing my face till I noticed there was alot of blood all over the basin and in my mouth too. (?!)
Freaked out la, obviously.
That was before Lit. Second time during recess.
After recess went to the sick bay cos couldn't stand it anymore veryvery dizzy.
Sylvia came with me but she left at around 12 to go for D&T. Thanks dear! (:
Apparently she also came back and tried to wake me up at 1 before assembly! And I was sleeping like a dead pig and she thought I died LOL.
Yeah, and woke up at 1.30 and saw Rachel Toh helping someone in the sick bay too.
Signed out, went to the toilet and sat in the classroom and stoned cos it was like 5 mins to the end of assembly and it didn't make any sense to go then.
Skipped lunch, sat there till Science Remedial started.
Now I feel damn shitty too. I don't think I can go for Speech Day tmr. What if I faint right there.
Sorry for complaining so much but I think this is the exact same relapse I had last year.
During term 1 last year I was damn sick during the CTs period and missed History and half of English.
9:21 PM Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm so busy I can faint.
There's chinese project presentation tmr, which I need to write my script.
And the stupid english persuasive speech about your fucken dreams for Singapore. Totally no idea what to write about.
And there's my supa overdue zuowen.
AHHHH. Currently pissed off.
4:33 PM Monday, April 5, 2010
"Can I have an MC for tmr, please?"
Oh and I got a excuse letter from PE and Band for a week!
Hehe I love being sick.
But I think I will go for Band on Thursday. Cos got rehearsal and I'll feel very bad if I don't go... Aiyah see how first la. (:
Thinking of what I shall do tmr since I've decided not to go to school (:
But I still have zuowen to do FML.
Gonna sleep till late in the morning! Be jealous! :D
Haha ok bye. Go showerrr.
6:10 PM Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ooh, so there are actually people reading my blog. I'm just too dumb to notice. Heh.
Anyway, I've been online ever since I came home from tuition, which explains why my eyes are going crossed right now.
Also, Beatrice's coming over later! Haha to help me with my Chinese project cos I need someone to interview. LOL.
Thankkssss a million babe. (:
Ohyes, I failed my zuowen. Can you believe it. I haven't failed since like, p5 or something.
And even though yesterday was Good Friday, I don't really think this's a good weekend.
Ohwells. Trying to fix my blog so I can have like, 10 posts on the frontpage. Anyone wants to help?
Going off to shower now, bye.
And resume my monotonous life.