4:21 PM Saturday, January 30, 2010
I'm so happy lol.
but I'm not supposed to say why. :/
Last night was the wedding dinner!
I love my outfit! 8)
Gonna post the pics on fb soon.
OMG facebook can you just let me upload my photos properly?!
Oh the wedding was awesome (:
but I would have loved to sit at the VIP table.
like with Agatha etc.
So its like kinda runner-up in the VIP list.
But then, at least we're not sitting right at the back like at Da jie's wedding in 2005.
You know my dad is like their er jiujiu.
So you can conclude that they have to respect him and my mum.
But they didn't.
Omfg so angry.
Anw my table was all adults, only cousin there was Jiahao korkor. But he's an adult also right... 23 alr leh.
The food... wasn't that nice.
I only liked the appetiser. Which isn't supposed to be the best unless you have no common sense.
Indonesian food. The chicken wings were so spicy I wanna die.
And I can take spicy food you know, so that's something.
Oh and the toilet is mad gross. Three star hotel, Furama Riverfront. Previously Apollo Hotel.
I think our school toilet is way cleaner!
But okay, since its the pool level. But doesn't make sense leh, fifth floor can!
How do they have a pool on the fifth floor. Someone please enlighten me, thanks.
Emre is becoming sooooo cute! But he totally ignored me -____-
eh, your biaoyi leh! so rude.
Oh the wedding gifts ( dunno wth its called, the kind that they put at your seat ) were so nice!
Got heart keychain and Heart Egg Whisk.
Omg so innovative summore.
And the video montages were sooo cute, esp. the stopmotion.
And I can't believe Erjie and Ratnor dated for 6 years! :O
That's like my entire primary school life. -____-
Okay mad pissed with facebook.
Hurry or I'll strangle you.
Photoshopping my eyebags in my photos currently...
Oh and I wanna eat dimsum tmr! To celebrate the good news LOL.
kay, bye! :D
8:18 PM Wednesday, January 27, 2010
hey peeps!
sorry for not updating for so long! :O
I had an awesome time today during sectionals! :D
I love my seniors but they like to bully me ):
and I realised my mum is just like a typical strict mum!
I love to see new posts of people's blogs everyday but ironically I don't bother to do it myself LOL.
fuck I wanna become exco!!
Ahhhh shit. should display more leadership qualities in cca.
had to pin up my fringe during band :/
and I didn't dare to let Mrs Tan sign my leave form for my orthodon treatment next wed cos I was scared. :3
must sign by tmr! omg Nikki rmbb.
Oh and I hope I get to see my new juniors tmr! x)
hope easy to teach la LOL.
I rmb my seniors always kena scolded cos I play badly :/
and now I'm the only sec2 and got 3 sec1s.
Oh dear. I'd better start mugging for term1 commontests sometime soon.
Getting worried already. Isn't it alittle early eh?
Was made to stand up today cos I didn't do science. How typical.
And got saved by Sarah! ♥ love you babe.
I bought a pair of fbt from her. Light blue! Can't wait till it arrives.
Er jie's wedding. gonna see Agatha and Jun jiejie! 8D
An excuse to go out too! :B
Mad excited now.
But I have to figure out how to literally erase my eyebags...
Sorry for the random train of thoughts!
Going off to do shitty maths now.
10:35 PM Thursday, January 21, 2010
oh and a yoga freak.
like wth pe DOES NOT EQUAL TO yoga!
and she made me do pe in my uniform -___-
and do pushup-like thingys on the track.
my palms hurt like shit okay! D<
okay bear with me I'm rushing out this post.
fuck mad rush of projects man.
like 2 lit and english.
two due next week.
and and Home Econs also got.
speaking of which, we're cooking Curry Chicken tmr. I wanna know how horrible it'll taste rofl. :3
guess who didn't study -___-
needless to say.
I'm gonna rush everything tmr morning.
and study with Ogin in the car!
Haha science genius la she.
thank god for improvisation.
scraped through Band today.
lucky never kena tested cos apparently my tone sucks today.
persis' a bitch.
okay gtg bai. 10.45 alr :/
Rachel, see you tmr! :D
9:40 PM Tuesday, January 19, 2010
goddamned tired.
school, then maths tuition.
brain is totally wasted although I didn't do any work. :/
and I can't wait for erjie's wedding! 8D
aiyah cut me some slack la. the last wedding I attended was dajie's one on 31st December 2005!
that's like more than 4 donkey years ago -___-
I wanna new pair of shoes!
Preferably heels (:
talking to Agatha on msn now! ♥
I feel so guilty that I didn't write to both of my mortals, from band and class one. ):
but for class one since is my good friend must type out! if not confirm she will recognise my handwriting.
going to die now.
9:27 PM Monday, January 18, 2010
hey peeps.
sorry for not updating the past weekend.
Induction on Saturday was awesome! Haha spent alottttt of time laughing with my section! ♥
So did today.
Me, Phylliz and Hojung went around the entire school campus talking LOL.
talking about clothes! (:
soooo fun.
okay now I sound noob.
anw, me and Sylvia were tasked to give instructions to 1CHA for their history lesson. but we didn't know where the Opal seminar room was, so ended up making them even more confused la. :3
okay anw. its like 9.33pm and I haven't even started on my work :B
OMG totally engrossed in the tv cos today is Together's last episode! and I can't even emphasize how much I love the show 8D
During bus rides, I look out of the window and gaze at the luxurious houses that I pass by. I dream of a perfect life, where money is never a problem. As I snap back to reality, I realise its only a dream, not likely to be fulfilled. One can dream, can't they.
9:05 PM Friday, January 15, 2010
Wooots! Had an awesome day today! :D
Band ended early, close to 5.
Stupid Induction rehearsals, the sec ones weren't even there la, rehearse what shit.
Anyway, tmr I have to report at fucking 7am.
After band, bused 155 to TPC with Sylvia! (:
We met up with her bro and went Macs for icecream :D
Haha yeah and walked around popular awhile.
Forgot to get earsticks -____-
Thenthenthen, like OMG we saw Mr Khoo again!
Like rofl ttm can.
He actually rolled his eyes at us when he saw us! Damn obvious kay!
Okay cos you see, after school when me and Sylvia were heading to the toilet, Mr Khoo shouted at me from behind, telling me to tuck in my shirt and lenghten my skirt before Monday, if not I'll die a horrible death. Tyvm for the reminder luhh ._. How come like cursing me ahh!
Anw, like why so coincidental one!! Keep seeing him around these days.
rofl :B
and me and Sylvia couldn't help but laugh like mad x)
hahahah okay. its seriously damn funny. I'm sorry if you don't think so (:
Oh and now that I think of it, I think I 欠他一个人情. 'cos that time he showed me the way on the very first day that I came to the new site, 23 Nov. If not I'll never have discovered that I can take bus 8 and 90 to school in the morning.
So, I'll 忍.
Hey I talk as if I very 委屈 hor? :3
Oh and today for HomeEcons we made Popiah and Rojak.
It was really rojak. as in anyhow make. LOL.
partnered with Weixi! <3
Btw it really tasted like shit.
Personally I hate rojak, the only part I like is the taopok and cucumber.
And the popiah was like damn salty.
I think I put too much salt LOL :/
Claire's back in school! Bless you babe, how come you so accident-prone one ah. x)
And my toilet light's flickering, again.
For this weekend, Sylvia has finished all her homework. Yes, already.
I left a whole lotta shit. Including the waaaaaayy overdue chinese book review.
I wanna slap myself.
9:28 PM Wednesday, January 13, 2010
8:58 PM Monday, January 11, 2010
ahhhhh headache :/
I feel so shitty lor. When I just reached home I was feeling really terrible. Feeling faint etc. Could barely stand ):
Today Claire didn't come school! Whyyyy. (:
Yeah and we had healthcheck. My back degree become oneeeeee! :D
and I think I need to change my specs. Cos right eye even with specs can't see.
Fyi the last time I changed my specs was before CNY last year.
But that day I went to look at frames they were all shitty D:
Oh and my back degree went down to zerooooo!
From 3 in primary school to 2 last year and now zero!
I feel like I've struck the lottery LOL :3
OMG I'm feeling so disappointed in myself these days. like for the Chinese book review, I am officially still halfway through the DRAFT. fml x10.
Okay moodless shit coming back.
I can't bring myself to say goodbye. I don't know how long it'll be till we meet again.
Meanwhile, I'll always remember you, deep in my heart.
5:29 PM Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taken yesterday with my 6mp Lumix. Had it since... I think 2007.
Edited today. (:
OMG its so late alr. shall START on my homework.
Hahaha yes, START.
I can't believe how pathetic I am.
5:23 PM
post 80!
I always knew
looking back on the tears
would make me laugh,
but I never knew
looking back on the laughs
would make me cry.
2:34 PM

My life is so fucked up. I can't even begin to describe how it feels.
I don’t need you in my life for me to be complete, but I’m telling you I love you and I’m loving you completely.
I feel bad. and thus guilty.
I wanted to start over now that I'm sec 2.
Like be responsible, hardworking and make people proud of me.
Now it all seems impossible.
And I can't seem to forget ____.
This sucks.
Seems like there's only one chance to do things right, and I've thrown it away.
Btw my new year's resolution is screwed. Entirely.
I can't even look at myself anymore.
9:40 PM Friday, January 8, 2010

seriously cannot imagine how actresses/actors cry together without laughing their ass off.
like that time my seniors and I supposed to present our instrument for Arts Of The Month, we couldn't even play properly cos we were laughing to hard luhh (:
Jeanette Aw and DYT are like the perfect couple!
they look so compatible! (sp)
btw, facebook is screwed. gawddd.
fed-up :/
this weekend got quite alot of work leh. like cos of my overdue holiday homework LOL.
wth xiaxue.sg can't load properly.
damn sad now cos my internet pangseh me ):
sorry for random train of thoughts. will come back later when I think of something to blog about.
10:33 PM Thursday, January 7, 2010

Do you dare to dream?
I know I do.
9:11 PM
hey people.
so there are people who read my blog, according to my counter which I put up recently.
oh and I have something to add to my previous post.
like omg all the better to prim in front of it! :D
damndamndamn innovative. I officially love the person who gave the idea.
okay and Beatrice told me to help her thank Rachel for her angel letter!
So thanks! :D hahaha.
Today during sectionals my seniors and I were talking about Cedar ghost stories! D:
omg major freak out.
9:46 PM Wednesday, January 6, 2010
School sucks.okay I shall list out the things that I am satisfied with first.
I like the new tables and chairs. Nice colour combi for sec twos too! dark grey tables + blood red chairs.
The new toilets are awesome. Not the old ones, the new ones. Got mosiac tiles summore! LOL.
and its damn clean.
toilet congestion problem = solved. I think there's like ten times more toilets than in the previous campus lor.
Air-conditioned school hall. Don't all schools know that this is supposed to be some kind of necessity??
New computers in computer labs. Not sure about the quality though.
Auditorium. Am prepared to be impressed although I haven't seen it yet.
Main foyer/ spiral staircase. Luxurious much?
Aiyah still got alot leh.
Okay shall move on to the stuff I'm not satisfied with.
The food and the canteen. With such a big campus, the canteen is tiny. What irony.
The shitty food is terrible. Serious. Like wth why all the stall holders selling reasonably nice food quit? And, the Japanese food. I wouldn't even have guessed its Japanese food if no one told me.
The glare from the glass windows in the classroom.
absolutely horrible. And I happen to be sitting in the row next to the windows. Dunno whether its good or bad. cos I tried sitting somewhere else and apparently it doesn't help at all.
So there's no point in having new visualisers and projecters right?!
Why is the sports facilities kinda isolated from the main building? So tiring to walk there leh LOL.
And I got shitty teachers this year. How does that help huh.
Absolutely cannot stand Mr Aiman.
Let me tell you the story.
The first time I went to the new campus, I was lost, obviously.
So I saw him around somewhere, and asked him politely, where the band room was.
He replied "where do you think the band room is?"
and you think I like to talk you you huh.
and the band room happened to be the room he was standing outside.
grrrrrrrr. buay song.
kay its getting kinda late alr. shall go off now. bye!
2:24 PM Saturday, January 2, 2010
I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real.
Just like that.
1:24 PM

The nicest thing for me is sleep. Then, at least I can dream.
12:41 PM

How true.
I still can't seem to forget you, no matter how hard I try.
12:18 PM

testing! (:
I hope the image size is appropriate...
8:50 PM Friday, January 1, 2010
Daddy wants me to sleep before 1030 tonight! ):
Ohmy. That means I left like about 1 and a half hours! D:
Okay, anyway.
I took two days to work on my Geography LDQ and its not even done yet! Confirm die lor.
I love the show Together! Its awesome 8D
I might post up some random pics tmr if I feel like it.
Love this skin to death manz! (:
Stopthetime is really awesome. Go and see! :D love their icons.
2:55 PM
new blogskin! :D
thanks alot :D
anyway, I spent time on this instead of on my geog ldq. guess my new year resolution isn't going so well.
the guilt's starting to kick in, so byeee!