12:07 PM Tuesday, November 24, 2009
hey (:
i felt that i really should update my blog haha.
kinda lazing around these days, putting off holiday hw.
ohyes, going to some sengkang pool with bea later!
actually in about half an hour :X
havent even started packing la! gonna end up rushing like mad later, again.
totally expected x)
missed jiaxin's bday party cos my dad took leave.
but in the end he ended up working the whole day also!
whats the fucking point can.
now also working ._.
*severely tempted to confiscate his laptop*
bea's new phone is awesome ttm!
i want. i want. i want.
but have to wait till someone's contract expires.
i think my dad's should be expiring soon.
or at least, earlier than mine.
aiyah he no need to change phone la.
his oldold nokia express music can alr.
i mean, he only uses his phone for calls, smses and the radio.
and summore got blackberry!
whereas, my phone is constantly giving me problems, blacking out etc.
okay why am i talking about this.
rofl darn random.
supposed to be doing geog hw right now, must go the dunno what CIA website to find info.
but ended up with 10 tabs, like twitter, blogs and this.
always like that one lor.
wth suddenly rmb tmr got band ! D:
keep forgetting.
oh and, 6a'08 class chalet is cominggg! :D
supa cant wait. (:
9:22 PM Monday, November 2, 2009
went out to watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs today with bea (L).
so funny and sweet! (:
tmr tuition starts ._.
i wanna watch my sister's keeper :D
addressed to flamers :
of course i know the meaning of fuck. if you dont, its okay. anw, i use it as a swear word, and here's not a dictionary, stop trying to define the meaning of it.
i know who is 'the person'.
wow, i didnt know bitch is a compliment. do people usually use it to compliment you often?
im really interested to know why we're discussing my hair. so its flat. it looks like airport runway. i've changed it long ago. and lastly, its none of your business !
let me know in what way im a no lifer. thanks . im blogging on MY blog, you know.
yes, of course you can comment. its not my problem if you enjoy these sadistic acts like these . (:
if you cant stand me, please get as far away from me as possible. i've realised that you like to contradict yourself.
im not interested to know what your dog looks like, stop showing off.
i dont think im showing boobs or that my dp sucks, if that's your opinion. stop trying to make yourself sound like you're really gorgeous and take awesome photos. i dont think so anyway.
oh, so you people like to repeat yourselves, eh ? aiya, my boobs flat, i know you guys very well endowed sia. and please stop tainting my blog, i know you guys dont have much to do, but there's alot of other ways to spend time in case you havent realised.
and, i have low EQ ??
if you're still wondering about armpit fats (?!) , you can stop wondering. my hair's just like that.
i dont give blowjobs to random people . tyvm. i bet you have alot of experience though ;)
yeah i know i have big eyebags. so ?
oh wow, im not a dog dear. i have money to rebond it, and i paid it myself.
you say its 'heartfelt words', in my opinion its just plain flaming. (:
of course you can. i just dont appreciate it. i mean, dont you guys have ANYTHING else to do ?!
i dont have a teddy.
you dont watch television ? OH SORRY, i forgot all your time is wasted on people's blogs, 'commenting' on people's lives.
dont come back la, lest you go blind (:
a good suggestion for you , GO FLY KITE.
ohmy, seriously wonder why people have time to do this. thank god exams are over alr.
9:37 PM Sunday, November 1, 2009
tmr got band.
dunno whether got fall in.
so have to make an effort to reach early, which is so not typical of me.
i'll probably end up late anyway...
and i'll miss the 26.
next year, the new campus will be super nice la.
and super far.
oh ! i absolutely love the new paper's article on clicknetwork.tv !
haha not that im gloating or what ar, its just that i find what all the critics say totally not true.
i mean, sonia and xue sha very bimbo meh ?
okay fine la, they are.
that's what i first thought too.
but they're funny right ? its supposed to be a comedy , hello...
and i dont see what's wrong with kaykay's and xiaxue's kiss, although i know its not advisable for young kids, haha. (:
okay la, shall continue watching my telly. :D