9:09 PM Wednesday, October 28, 2009
heyyyy (:
sorry for not blogging for , err nearly two weeks ? :X
anw, i seriously cant stand it that the canteen's closed.
now during the measly 45 min lunch, i have to walk to the school opposite there for lunch, change tee, walk back etc.
most of the time, i have to gulp down my lunch.
so rush can ! ):
btw, you know i cant stand people who flame others on blogs.
to view a perfect example refer to my tagboard on the left.
firstly, these people are usually cowards. like the 'passerby', most flamers simply refuse to put their real names, saying all sorts of stuff like im a bitch etc. cowards lo. no other way to put it.
second, HELLO DONT LIKE ME THEN DONT READ MY BLOG LA ! fuckerrrs. say what, my hair so straight still rebond my hair dunno what, I WANT TO DO WHAT ITS MY CHOICE, ITS MY LIFE. and you're very pretty? i dont think so. cos if you were, why would you be spending your precious time on my blog, dont you agree?
third, hey 'passerby', so you read my blog then i become whoever you want me to be la. like your 'dog' ? HELLO WANT TO SAY BITCH JUST SAY IT ! orh then suddenly everyone will say on my tagboard : hey you look like my (blah) can you ( do this ) . fuck you !
fourth, who are you to call me 'young kiddo' ? i might even be more mature than you. i dont blog ALL my thoughts here like an idiot okay. and btw, WHO DOESNT KNOW WHAT DOES FUCK MEAN ?! '
oh btw, thanks for taking time to read my blog. i cant even find the post where i said i was daddy's girl (?) .
at least i have better things to do , compared to a no-lifer like you, reading other people's blogs and posting shit comments on tagboards. i didnt know i was so interesting , eh ? (:
yep, that's my take on flamers. or the one patronising my blog in particular.
im smart ! :D
9:21 PM Thursday, October 15, 2009
exams are over.
somehow not very high leh.
i feel like , super lethargic.
super tired of life arh.
anw maths was shit.
like i totally wont be able to score well la.
and that's what i told my tuition teacher and now she's freaking out. heh.
and my cousin likes to make fun of me on fb :X
today went to collect my phone! x)
finally i dont see any problem le. if not i swear i'll kill the suay cso who's attending to me.
i. hate. sony. ericsson.
my next phone is soooo not gonna be sony ericsson.
grrrr. D<
yeah and after school, went to koufu for lunch, looked at doors which happened to be on display in front of the 238 queue, went to j8, saw alethea outside tpy the body shop and went home.
okay, here's the thing.
beatrice was at j8 the fucking same time i was!
just that we were oblivious to that la, until she called me like two hours laterrr.
haix. could have met.
oh and kk was there too ! but i didnt see her :|
twitter owns 8]
and tmr going to taka and ion orchard to shop with my mum (:
night dearies!
11:29 AM Wednesday, October 14, 2009
i walked home in the rain today. (L)
and blasted love story and sang like nobody's business. :D
left maths tmr !
ohmyfreedom. COME TO MAMA! :)))
haha anw,
today's science was shit. really.
i mean like, all the mcq options look the same to me!
how am i supposed to choose one.
i think im gonna fail. its like totally impossible to get highest in class again and save my fucking face okay.
i should probably stop thinking abt this.
speaking of which, i swear next year im gonna study like a nerd after the teacher's teaches a topic. like i hate this la. i have heart attacks like everyday during the exam period okay. and the whole of the year i spend doing some ridiculous shit that teachers assigned to us. fuck!
okay shit. maths tuition later.
homework? obviously not done la...
love my latte!
gotta go. see you tmr, probably gonna surf like shit. literally.
12:28 PM Tuesday, October 13, 2009
ok so.
lit today was sucky.
i used like 3 packets of tissue for my sinus.
and obviously didnt have enough time to finish the paper la.
heck care la, anw im like so gonna fail anything, this doesnt make much of a difference.
and on my way home , i met MY MUM.
apparently she was going auntie shopping at ntuc. with her auntie friends...
anw and i was with alethea and ogin. and maria, who was walking to macs.
andand, she had to shout my name. and wave like a maniac.
fuck! so embarrassing i tell you!
the whole tpc was like staring at us!
oh man. but the pancake she bought was cute (:
it had a face!
smiley face (:
hahahaha should have took a pic before i ate it la.
okay gonna cook my teriyaki chicken le!
( actually its watch my mum do it la, but anyway )
12:09 PM Saturday, October 10, 2009
okay i feel like im giving a dayt0day account of my life ._.
but anyway no one actually reads my blog , so it doesnt really matter cos i wont be boring anyone to death, right?
proof : the tagboard.
yeah and i tried installing a counter last night but it didnt work. and it had this stupid advert attached so i removed it.
oh this sucks. been slacking the whole of yesterday and up till now.
have maths tuition later.
i need a shower.
10:12 PM Friday, October 9, 2009
dinner was sushi, yummy !
haha i love the prawn-egg-mayo-cucumber mix!
its sounds disgusting, but its really nice ok !
HAHAHA cos i made it! ( i only mixed it all together la :X )
but the sushi was obviously rolled by my mum...
xiaxue rocks haha. :D
and im so fat.
can you believe what i ate today ?
2 slices of bread, strawberry pocky, instant noodles, mushroom soup, green tea and sushi. lots of sushi.
whatthefuck la.
im already like superheavy alr.
can you imagine during holidays im everyday at home then eat superalot.
then i'll become fugly!
oh whatever. tata.
ps. maths tuition tmr ._.
4:05 PM
im drinking mushroom soup as i write this, haha.
so freaking pathetic, open the packet so much powder come out, dunno how much water to add...
and i spent like the whole day watching guide to life, reading xiaxue's blog.
i mean after geog exam la duh.
and im like so pathetic, i have to actually check my blog to see when i stopped blogging.
dont blame me la, got exam kay.
not that i actually studied ! :P
yeah so i stopped on monday. right.
so tuesday....
err i was late for school ?
arrived at 7.40
and monday i was like nearly late. reached at slightly before 7.30
but surprisingly, monday i was caught and tuesday i wasnt.
cos tuesday i was late until morning assembly was alr over and no one was there ._.
went to orchard after school (:
ion and taka.
ate yoshinoya and went with my mum to get a washing machine.
our old one was like ten years old ?!
yeah so... not really much time to study.
yesterday. errr. tried to study la. tried.
apparently i studied everything except for convection rain AND THEY HAD TO TEST THAT.
so i just like tikamtikam lo.
and my LDQ was shitty. serious.
was supposed to buy hairclips from sinma but yeah, forgot.
cos saw alethea and ogin queueing up at the ticket station, so took 238 with them (:
came up, mum and dad came back from the temple alr ._.
and i thought i could have some quiet time alone.
cos they went to the temple to pray for ahma or something.
ewww. just acted-smart and went to add water to my mushroom soup. now it tastes so freaking diluted.
i want exams to be over, and quick at that.
i wanna go out (:
and buy a curler.
just joking la, like as if my mum will agree to that.
she'll be like "you rebond your hair then you want to curl it ?! "
yea, you get the idea.
life's a bitch manz.
6:27 PM Monday, October 5, 2009
came home with alethea today (:
talked superalot (: (L)
oh and today, during mutton's class, me shengmin and sylvia were like 'supposedly studying'.
but we were talking la, to state the obvious.
haha yea.
today, wasnt really great you know.
but i think i kinda got hysterical during pe... :X
haha no la, i think its the adrenaline or something.
anw, i was saying today that i find mrs wong a really bad teacher.
i mean, when people give suggestions , she totally doesnt accept them.
and insists on her way.
what kind of teacher is this!
summore today the survey on LMS that we were required to do, asked if we had a good rapport with our teachers and if they cared for us.
like real lor.
cant stand it.
oh and, when it came to the part where they asked about canteen food, i put disagree!
hahahaha ok, im getting nonsensical.
and xiaxue is freaking funny.
her blog and guide to life is like so.
like .
nowonder she has like 'the most popular blog' in singapore.
no sacarsm here.
imma nice person, haha (:
4:13 PM Saturday, October 3, 2009
sorry didnt post for like err.
3 weeks.
first, my paternal grandma's funeral. super unexpected, yet expected.
ok what am i saying.
well, she was hospitalised but i expected her to survive okay.
and i got sixty bucks in inheritance.
in old singapore notes.
which im not supposed to use....
oh and a ten dollar angbao, which i HAVE to use, ironically.
and a whole bunch of ten cent coins which i have to keep till... well when i die too.
okay next.
a few days after the cremation, which i got to skip school ( 8D ), my maternal grandmother was hospitalised.
i've got not much to say.
oh but she's discharged now x)
shes apparently depressed and senile. and i havent seen her since chinesenewyear.
i think she needs a visit from me ! :D
hahaha okay but i dont even know where's she's staying.
dont say im ignorant, but things are just real complicated over there.
and then,
endofyears began.
so i had to cram like crazy since the funeral was held at my house downstairs void deck, and i was too busy rushing up and down like crazy so obviously got no time to study.
OH WOW i just realised that i've slacked the whole of today and ytd.
unless you count the two paragraphs of a literature unseen PART question that i did just to show my mum that i actually did something (:
haha im awesomeee.
oh and wait a sec i go check my phone. i think i've ignored it for like errr, 5 hours?
okay did i mention that my phone's been to the sony ericsson service centre TWICE this month?! like wtf la so much problems. *pissed* .
so now im using my mum's laoya phone, and she's phoneless apparently.
ooh weixi just smsed my happy midautumn hahaha.
not like anyone actually reads my blog, as i can see from the tagboard.
i should seriously install a visitor counter or something, probably now. :)
oh did i mention im going out for steak tonight? :D
hahaha but that's in a few hours.
now if i could just stop thinking about it cos its making me hungry....
haix. abstaining from food ( or at least trying to ! ) is hard. :X
forget it.
i'll just do something to you on impulse.