6:10 PM Tuesday, September 15, 2009
the most unglam-ness thing that could happen happened to me!
lucky no one reads my blog, but anw.
oh yes.
now 1H move down to flexi classroom.
im sitting in the front row.
iwannasitwithshengminnao. D:
blame it on my suay-ness.
oh and .
i have a zuowen to write.
so what am i doing here.
till next time!
10:18 AM Sunday, September 13, 2009
well, yeah.
im thinking of ___.
but, i have more stuff to worry about now.
i have two chinese essays not done.
and im trying to call everyone up to ask how to do.
cos i dont even know what's the question saying.
apparently everyone's sleeping etc.
its past ten already!
this really isnt working out.
thanks shengmin for reminding me that there's approximately 3 weeks till EOY.
and that's not very long.
so, the mad rush to study will be starting soon.
and im trying to refrain myself from watcing gossipgirl .
if i can actually find them.
"Warner Bros. has taken back the copyright to these videos."
only if.
back to th-compos.
thinking of you. (L)
6:31 PM Saturday, September 12, 2009

my laptop is screwed.
its becoming so laggy. :X
facebook is getting on my nerves.
cant seem to make myself study.
so now im talking randomly. what else could happen?
speaking of which, just thinking of my homework is giving me migraine.
i have a compo, two zuowens, and two science papers left.
not to mention d&t.
i'll probably just scribble something out and hand it in.
my results.... are only satisfactory.
yes, they're up on ntrix.
and my mom was like screaming although it was rather late last night.
i flunked hcl.
what can i say.
really dont feel like starting school again.
like sitting at the foyer cause i was late, listening to boring classes, squeezing on the insanely crowded bus.
oh, headache.
there's band on monday. still.
someone remind me to bring my flute, before i get strangled by someone else.
what a life.
7:35 PM Thursday, September 10, 2009
finally found the stupid memory card connector (?) so i can upload pics.
haha dunno what's it called.
oh and i got a new flute today (:
feel so disappointed in myself.
i mean like, i barely started on my holdiday homework :X
so sianx ._.
gonna hafta chiong.
today is really not the day.
i just dont feel right.
"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep.
That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"
9:37 PM Wednesday, September 9, 2009
perfect way to describe what im thinking (:
ps. changed the date setting. so its kinda correct now . (:
8:37 PM
cant seem to tear myself away from my laptop.
like wth,
just look at my holiday homework.
i did like one only ?!
oh and there's band tmr.
which leaves me with friday and the weekend.
and i have tuition on friday.
start rushing lo.
but now i watching singapore idol :X
when will i change. ):
Don’t look away, don’t run away,
baby it’s only life,
don’t lose your faith,don’t run away,
it’s only life.
7:12 PM Tuesday, September 8, 2009

today's dental appointment at cedar primary sucked.
shall start from the beginning.
woke up at 830, appointment at 940.
i was late.
haha righhttt as usual.
and apparently its freaking far from the busstop.
and i have to wake up earlier next year D:
so when i went in i saw esther ! :D
haha oh and how come you do so long one, esther. (:
so they did cleaning (?) for me?
when i came out.
so i run back in.
and asked if i can rinse my mouth or something.
oh and why it was bleeding ._.
then the stupid dentist say its cos i have sensitive gums (!), and it will stop bleeding.
i mean like, is she do my teeth one okay.
nowonder so pain.
feel like sueing her.
summore i kena the young and inexperienced one.
suayyyyy lor. D:
now i dont dare to brush my teeth.
i mean, on the way home, i used my mirror to see.
like wtf scary can.
not only one place bleed okay.
so pissed again thinking about it now.
and my tuition teacher is totally not replying my smses.
so do i have to go tmr ?! :X
whatthehell is happening to me these days.
lets hope they dont get any worse.
fyi, i havent started on my holiday homework.
9:36 PM Monday, September 7, 2009

that sky looks really. red.
im bored ._.
there's seriously nothing much to do. except study.
which doesnt sound very tempting to me.
i wish i could just stone the whole day through. you know, be invisible or something.
had band today.
reached at like 915am.
not suprising, haha.
im infamous for being late :D
ms sia came today :X
nearly died .
went to the nearby restaurant ( ? ) for lunch with section . (:
haha ate fried rice. was okay :)
gossiped with sec 3 seniors during sectionals :D
haha so fun!
love you seniors! ♥
tmr i have dental appointment at cedar primary :|
second, omgggg why so far.
summore i think mine is like the earliest!
940am okayyyyy. =.=
hope it doesnt hurt :X
wanna go library! :X
5:53 PM Sunday, September 6, 2009

becoming a sucker for facebook applications.
spent the whole day online, serious.
listened to the song " love me " by collin raye.
like omg so touching ♥
haha oh and, there's band tmr.
hope i dont die. :X
9:56 PM Thursday, September 3, 2009
tmr's the last day of the term.
and im not excited.
i mean, okay, there's a seven-day-break, with two alr reserved for cca, two at least for tuition...
there isn't much left you know.
i seriously have to stop being late for school.
stupid mr chue.
ytd ask me to walk back to class with him.
then in the end what.
everyone stared.
late only what!
until like ppl from sec 1 also saw.
like wth.
and i also never do homework.
like my d&t.
like my chinese zuowen, which is a week and 3 days overdue, which lilaoshi reminded me to do today.
cant stand it alr.