5:11 PM Saturday, July 3, 2010
Everytime I read a good book, I actually feel tempted to write one. One that can touch others' hearts.
Ohyes, I've moved to tumblr.
10:10 PM Sunday, June 27, 2010
New term, new semester, new beginning.
I'm really hoping that it'll all go smoothly.
And that I'll become more disciplined, less distracted.
I'm really praying, hard.
8:51 PM Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reason why I'm back to GossipGirl. I almost forgot how breathtakingly beautiful they are.
11:24 AM Sunday, June 13, 2010
I don't like surprises.
I feel very cheated.
Surpises are not presents, it is someone shoving something in your face and forcing you to like it.
Even if you don't like it, (eg. Surpise birthday party) you have to.
Which is why, when someone gives me a surprise, I WILL feel damn upset.
If you're close to me, that's worse.
Cos it just shows that you don't care about my feelings. At all.
7:47 PM Saturday, June 5, 2010
Hello, just came home from jogging.
Yesterday was our first IPW project session, and I think it was really fruitful.
Unless you count my horrible bus 31 journey back home.
And me waking up early in the morning, the 1hr journey there and missing my stop fml.
But anyway, it was my first experience tutoring kids.
And this boy even wanted my number in case he wants me for a tutor LOL.
There was only me, Sylvia and another university-age girl.
And we didn't take a group photo wtf. -____-
I really learnt alot la ok. When I was younger like p1, my results were rather good I guess.
But there I saw this girl, she was p1 and her mum told me she was easily distracted, which was true.
Then like, she couldn't even speak a coherent sentence omg.
Another girl, Alyssa left quite a good impression on me cos she was very guai and chio haha.
I remember I was a damn ugly child la, during primary school.
My parents keep trying to drag me jogging cos they say I'm very fat fml.
Me: "why the stadium today so empty?"
Dad: "cos very hard to drag people like you to come jogging"
I take offence lor.
Okay bye for now! Off to do holiday homework!
P.S. Going to eat lor mee tmr! Finally gonna satisfy my craving after a month.
10:29 PM Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I should blog. But I'm too lazy.
Oh and I'm going for buffet lunch tmr! (:
5:41 PM Friday, May 28, 2010
Its easy to differentiate popularity. For me, obviously, I'm not.My fourteeth's tmr, and I hope I actually get birthday wishes.
Especially from two important people.
I'll be waiting.